Spyderfest project

Each spring Pitbull Powersports hosts the world's largest Can-Am Spyder rally. Registrations start with a bang January 1 with an onslaught of enthusiasts flocking to spyderfest.com to get their tickets. Web Marketing Services has had the pleasure of working with Pitbull since the 2015 SpyderFest Rally. The site is unique from many registration sites in that it makes it easy for families / couples to register as a group. Often with a registration site you need to collect info such as shirt size for each family member, not just the credit card holder. Not all online registration options do this well. It's been a privilege to work with the SpyderFest team to tackle the challenge of creating a successful online solution for this large event.


CMS Implementation
Responsive Design
Search Engine Optimization
Web Design
Website Maintenance